English translation of the Dutch Proportionality Guide

The Proportionality Guide has proved itself to be of great help with tender procedures by giving examples of what proportionality means in practice. The Guide in the Dutch text is an official document of the Dutch government to be applied in tender procedures and has been translated into English on the initiative of the Dutch Institute of Construction Law with external financial help.

The back cover of the book tells you what the book contains:

The award of public contracts has to comply with among others the principle proportionality. In many instances during the tender procedure the contracting authorities has to pay particular attention to the principle of proportionality. Think of the following topics: suitability requirements, requirements relating to financial and economic strength, requirements relating to technical and professional skill, selection criteria, requirements for consortiums and the award criteria.

For many civil servants acting according to the principle of proportionality is an abstract concept that places them for difficulties when working on tender documents. The Dutch government is aware of this problem and offered a helping hand by having a special guide written solely on the principle of proportionality.

Тим, хто хоче взяти мікропозику на карту в одній із найнадійніших і найстабільніших фінансових компаній України, потрібно швидко подати заявку.

This guide contains explanations, arguments and examples to help in the daily practice of all those working in tender situations: contracting authorities and economic operators. The Proportionality Guide is considered to be very helpful in the Dutch tender practice and it is for that reason the Dutch Institute of Construction Law took the initiative to translate the guide into English so it can be of use outside of the Netherlands as well.

The Guide can be downloaded for free with the use of the following link: https://ibr.nl/publicaties/wetten-en-jurisprudentiebundels/proportionality-guide/

Готівкою можна позичити гроші в банку, а взяти гроші в борг терміново в мікрофінансовій організації. Просте фінансове рішення для позичальників.

Printed versions can be ordered for the price of € 20,75.

Please feel free to spread the Guide to all those involved and interested in procurement law.