New documents online - documents from the Annual ESCL Conference 2013 (Paris) on the Builder's Liability and Insurances in Europe

The documents from the 2013 ESCL Annual Conference - which took place in Paris, France - are now online and available on the ESCL website through the drop down menue "Papers".

The 2013 conference focused on the "Builder's Liability and Insurances in Europe". The conference was organised by the French Society of Construction Law (Association Française pour le Droit de la Construction and hosted by Professeur Hugues Périnet-Marquet (ESCL President 2012-2013).

The presentations:

Bailey and Lavers (UK, 2013) Allocation and durability of liability
Halstenberg (Germany, 2013) Some Aspects regarding builder's liability and insurance

Karila (France, 2013) Contribution to the round-table discussion on insurance

Kohl (Belgium, 2013) Will a ten years guarantee become a common rule
Mallet-Bricout (France, 2013) Can a builder import its domestic liability rules in cross-border contracts (question mark)

Poumarède (France, 2013) Responsabilité et assurances des constructeurs
Roussel (France, 2013) Towards a European liability harmonization (question mark) - From GAIPEC to ELIOS
Siegenthaler (Switzerland, 2013) Assurance et construction en Suisse
Van Overwaele (Belgium, 2013) La responsabilité de l’entrepreneur et les assurances en Europe

We hope to be able to publish the remaining presentations soon.