The Bulgarian Society of Construction Law was founded in April 2015 and has currently about 40 members (October 2015). Members are both individuals like jurists (legal experts in state or municipal administration, lawyers, in-house counsel lawyers, university professors) and engineers or private and public bodies (law firms, construction companies, a legal literature publisher, the Bulgarian Association of Consulting Engineers and Architects, including about 80 consulting companies).
The Bulgarian Society of Construction Law is promoting the globally recognized standard forms of contracts and alternative dispute resolution methods in construction. BSCL unites professionals aiming to drive the changes in the construction legislation. The members of the Society are aware of the necessity to improve the scarce and archaic regulations in construction and simplify the excessively burdensome and bureaucratic procedures. BSCL will act to propose standard tender documents for selection of contractors in line with the new European Directives, promote the use of FIDIC conditions of contracts, list and explain the “good” and the “bad” practices in the investment process.
Victoria Penkova
Tel.: (+359 2) 986 79 07;
Mobile: (+ 359 8) 88 530 465
Penkova & Partners Law Firm
9 Hristo Belchev Str.,1000 Sofia, Bulgaria