United Kingdom

Since its foundation in 1983, the UK Society of Construction Law has worked to promote for the public benefit education, study and research in the field of construction law and related subjects (including adr, arbitration and adjudication), both in the UK and overseas.

For this reason the UK SCL maintains close links with the Technology and Construction Court in the England and Wales and the Courts in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland as well as the main professional bodies for both construction and legal professionals.  The UK SCL also maintains close links with a number of universities, in particular King’s College London which hosts the UK SCL’s library. As part of its remit to promote study and research the UK SCL makes a number of grant payments to universities throughout the UK. 

The UK SCL is run by a Council of 20 elected members plus its President.  There are 4 officers of the Council, the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer who are supported by an administrative team.

The UK SCL hosts a series of lectures in London and around the Society in total there are over 30 events each year. The UK SCL also publishes papers from talks given and distributes these for free to its members.  There are roughly 14 papers published each year.  The UK SCL also runs a prize the Hudson Prize, winner of which have gone on to win the ESCL Masters Thesis Prize on a number of occasions.

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The UK SCL is also one of the founder members of the SCL International an organisation of Societies of Construction Law around the world.


The Right Honourable Lord Justice Coulson


Rebecca Shorter

Vice Chairman

Jessica Tresham


Andrew Singer QC

Society of Construction Law
Jill Ward - SCL Administrator
234 Ashby Road, Hinckley
Leicestershire LE10 1SW
United Kingdom