Details for upcoming ESCL conference 2012 in Belgium - now online

The Belgian Society for Construction Law (BVBR-ABDC) proudly announces it will host the next Conference of the European Society for Construction Law (ESCL). The Conference will be held on Friday 12 October 2012 in Liège, one of the most important business/tourist cities in Wallonia, Belgium.
The Conference theme is: Subcontracting in the European Union.
For a full day this Conference will study the legal aspects involved with subcontracts. Four subthemes will be thoroughly analysed from the point of view of the Belgian law, of the (case) law of one of our neighbouring countries and from a European and comparative law perspective.
The Conference is organised in co-operation with the University of Liège. The Belgian Society for Construction Law is most grateful to the University they make available one of their college halls and logistics for our 2012 ESCL Conference .
A complementary program is being catered for the foreign participants as from their arrival on Thursday afternoon 11 October 2012. Also, on the conference day, a social program is organized for participants’ companions.

For all details, including those for registration, please turn to the following website: 

Link to the Belgian SCL's website: